iD2D Core Development Team

Elliott Antman, M.D.
Faculty Director
Dr. Elliott Antman is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, a Senior Investigator in the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Study Group, and a Senior Physician in the Cardiovascular Division of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He was President of the American Heart Association in 2014-2015. Prior to leading the launch of the iD2D program, Elliott oversaw the development of critical educational programs atthe Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center and the Boston Biomedical Innovation Center.

Dan Gabovitch, M.B.A.
Senior Project Manager
Dan has served as a project manager at Brigham and Women’s Hospital approaching ten years, first at the TIMI Study Group and now within the Cardiovascular Medicine Innovation Department. As part of his role operationally overseeing international, phase III/IV clinical trials, Dan has developed and presented training materials championing best practices for the conduct of clinical research. He lends these educational skills, along with demonstrated leadership experience, to the iD2D team.

Sally Okun, R.N., M.M.H.S.
Strategy and Content Consultant
Sally is a Registered Nurse with over 4 decades of experience ranging from clinical oncology, hospice and community based-palliative care to the social network startup PatientsLikeMe. She continuously seeks to empower patient and public involvement in person-centric care, research, health policy and socially accountable ethics. Sally is uniquely positioned to ensure that patient and public perspectives are well integrated into the strategy and content of the iD2D curriculum.

Cheryl Vaughan, Ph.D., Ed.M.
Learning Architect
Cheryl is the Director of Custom Innovation Training Programs for the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center. She synthesizes decades of experience as scientist, science educator, and creator of unique professional development programs that expand the skillsets of academic researchers and clinicians. Her role on the iD2D team includes designing the curricular arc of the program and working with program experts to deliver interactive learning experiences.
Faculty Advisory Committee

Calum MacRae, M.D., Ph.D.
One Brave Idea Leader
A cardiologist, geneticist and developmental biologist, Dr. MacRae’s interests include genomics in medicine, disease modeling, developmental biology, drug discovery, systematic approaches to discovering new phenotypes, and the role of disruptive innovation in refashioning the clinical-translational interface.

Sunil Kapur, M.D.
Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Sunil Kapur is a member of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is a Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiologist and works on novel phenotyping of cardiac disease using implanted and wearable technology.

Stanley Shaw, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer, One Brave Idea
Dr. Shaw’s longstanding research interests are the development of novel phenotypes for health and disease, especially those that can be applied at population scale; he leads research efforts in digital health, bioinformatics and the gut microbiome.